“I am a SuperHero Too!”
Art is not fading away, in fact it is blossoming right here in the CSRA. Area middle school students have an opportunity to learn a form of art through a new program, After-School Arts Program or ASAP. Students will have an opportunity to learn comic book and character development as well as storytelling 101 and the art business. Students also have an opportunity to learn using a wide variety of mediums. If you are interested in learning more about our program check out our different packages for more information and registration.

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Anti-Bullying Enviroment
Bullying can happen in many different ways. It can include teasing, being hurtful to someone, ignoring them or hurting them. It can also happen anytime – in person, online, on the phone, in class, on the bus, in your neighborhood or even in your home. Our environment is a peaceful one where students are encouraged to explore their artistic side in a friendly and anti-bullying environment. Here at the ASAP program all children learn using positive reinforcement. We have a strict anti-bullying policy.
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A Heart for the ARTS ♥
My desire is for every child to enjoy drawing and being creative on their own and be thier own super-hero too. One of my challenges growing up was being partially colorblind, being diagnosed with Deuteranopia or commonly refered to as Red-Green Color Blindness. This was my villian and art help me to realize the SuperHero in me. It is my goal to help students use art to realize the SuperHero in them.
Art the Artist Studios
Why are ASAP and the Arts so important?
Art and visual design plays an important part today. Artists, designers, architects, and engineers all play a role on how we view the world. Computers and mobile devices became more accessible when visual designers created icons, apps, symbols, and images to help associate words with pictures. Art helps stimulate the brain. Art is therapeutic when it comes to relaxing and needing a form of release. There are many other reasons the arts can help children and adults, and you can probably google them yourself. The arts can also help build some important leadership skills. (loyalty, discipline, respect, selflessness, honesty, integrity, and fortitude)
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Artist Teaching Children How to Draw
What will Children Learn through the ARTS?

Students will review these mediums below, but not use in application
Week 1-2 Gesture Drawing with Pencil
-free hand strokes with little thought or precision.
Week 1-2 Pencil Sketching
-getting a rough idea of what you want your image to look like
Week 1-2 Non-Photo Blue/Construction lines
-light lines for placing concept and ideas on paper
Week 1-2 Use of Tracing Paper
-paper used for following lines or outlines to recreate shapes or pictures
Week 3-4 Child’s discoery of their own Style of Drawing
-creating your own ideas from your imagination
Week 3-4 Cartooning
-abstract drawing or resemblance of characters that does not have to look realistic
Week 3-8 Pen and ink
-dark bold lines, with various thickness to complete images
Week 5-6 Color Pencils
-filling in shapes with color, tones, and shades
Week 5-8 Markers
-using broad tip markers to fill in or color black and white images
Week 11-12 Digital & Computer Graphics
-how to use CG, along with completion of their comic books
Week 9 Painting
-use of oils or acrylic colors to paint image on board or canvas
Week 10 Charcoal
-using chalky or powder form to create images
Week 11 Spray Paint
-using aerosol to create images onto a surface
Week 12-14 Complete Hand Drawn Comic Book and Presentations of Their Stories
-child will practice standing in front of their friends to tell their story, and will be ready to present their comic books to their parents
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More Information the Child will Learn in the ASAP Curriculum
- Wk 1-2 Drawing basics/
- Wk 1-2 Problem solving and communicating
- Wk 3-4 Character Development, storytelling (in different universes)/
- Wk 3-4 Building self-esteem
- Wk 5-6 Story boarding Comic books/
- Wk 5-6 Teamwork, No one can do it all alone, a team can do the job
- Wk 7-8 Creating Perspective/
- Wk 7-8 How to talk about your ideas
- Wk 9-10 Create their own comic book/
- Wk 9-10 Practice speaking to present their comic book (start getting preview of digital/graphics programs)
- Wk 11-14 Finish comic book, Preview of Digital Art/
- Wk 11-14 Give Presentation to friends and parents
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- Parent of a Child that has dislectia : "My child loves to draw and this new art program helps him with also reading better and being creative..."
- Parent's Name: (no comments yet)
- Parent's Name: (no comments yet)

Terms and Conditions
Before registering for a package and making a payment
read all Four Package Options (1 to 4), to make sure you choose the correct package for you and your child.
Each Package has a different duration of the ASAP Course.
Package 1:
Begin Your Registration
A full payment/ a full 16 week course. (traditional and digital art)
Package 2:
Begin Your Registration
A full payment/ a 12 week course. (traditional and digital art)
Package 3:
Begin Your Registration
This is for full payment/ 2 month/8 week course option.
(traditional art & intro to digital art)
Package 4:
Begin Your Registration
This Monthly Payment Plan option is for a "month's payment" -for full 16 week/ 12 week/ 8 week course
Either option will pay one month for
partial payment of the Course + Registration Fee + Process Monthly Payment Fee
By clicking on Register "I agree to commit my child to this ASAP Course for full duration".
"I will also make sure my child makes all sessions to the best of my ability".
You also agree to the following conditions below:
"Register and Pay Now" button below: This allows ASAP to take payment from your bank account or credit card.
"Register and Pay Later" button below: This allows ASAP will not take payment at this time
but will collect your information and request payment before the course starts.
You can register now and pay later, understanding that this does not fully register your child
until full payment has been made, prior to the beginnig of the course.
For Refund information, Contact ASAP direct: 404.764.8409
Registration Fee and Monthly Process Payment Fee are Nonrefundable.
Package 1
4 Month Course: 16 weeks
16 weeks (Traditional Art)
16 weeks (Digital Art)
Dates may change
September - December
and January - April
$369.99 +$49.99
(1 time reg fee)
(Course Cost + Reg. fee)
$22.00 savings
See Terms and Conditions for Packages
Package 2
3 Month Course: 12 weeks
12 weeks (Traditional/Digital Art)
Dates may change
September - November
or January - March
$279.99 +$49.99
(1 time reg fee)
(Course Cost + Reg. fee)
$14.00 savings
See Terms and Coditions
Package 3
Only Two Months/8 wks Course:
8 weeks (Traditional Art & Intro to Digital Art)
Dates may change
Begins 1st Week of Sep or
Nov - Jan or Mar
$189.99 +$49.99
(1 time reg fee)
(Course Cost + Reg. fee)
$6.00 savings
See Terms and Coditions
Package 4
Option to Make Monthly Payments (For Full & Half Courses)
Dates may change
September - December
and January - April
$97.99 +$49.99 (a month/4 weeks)
(1 time reg fee)
(Course Cost/Process Mo Payment fee + Reg. fee)
See Terms and Coditions
Copyrights ©Art the Artist Studios 2019